Dhomont was an early figure in musique concrete, of making meta-music, in which the recording was the beginning, not the end, of the production process.

Fifteen musicians (two, Nuthre and Jon Vaughn, in collaboration) have taken various Dhomont recordings and techniques, and produced close to an hour and a half of recordings. The most eye-catching to start with is a 14-track tribute to musique concrete figure Francis Dhomont, in time for his 80th birthday. Making up for lost time, the label unleashed six new sets, which will take some time to get through. A quick glance at its archives suggests that the last significant update to the site occurred in July of last year, and the announcement via email this week of new No Type material included the following side comment: “we haven’t seen that since… since… well, we won’t say, that’d be embarassing.” (Spelling the word “embarrassing” incorrectly seems par for the course.) The long-running, if long quiet, netlabel No Type is back.